Monday, 16 December 2019

How to Learn Quran & Benefits of Learning Quran

The Quran is a miracle and a blessing from Allah. It is glorified and exalted. If you want to use this blessing, you must be able to receive it and therefore strive physically to achieve it and mentally to get the maximum benefit. And we have surely made the Qur’an easy to learn and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? [Al-Qamar 54:17]

"The deeds are taken into consideration by intentions and a person will be rewarded according to his purposes. Therefore whoever emigrated from Allah and His Messenger, his emigration would be from Allah and His Messenger and who emigrated for material or for a woman who got married, her migration would have been the reason she emigrated "Linked to Bukhari and Muslims, so the first question to pay attention to is her intention and not to presume in front of others that they have memorized many. Also, you should know that sincerity is not just a factor, but an ongoing battle that you must always renew.

Alustadh offers the Holy Quran Recitation. They will be engraved in your mind, and you will remember them easily. Choose a recitation of the recite Quran from a reciter who reads it. Listen online without downloads whenever you want. In this way, you will know the verse and increase your ability to memorize the Quran. You will also find a translation of the meaning of the Quran and the Tafsir.

If you find it difficult, How to read the Quran yourself, you can take the Quran memorandum course face to face with one of our Online Quran teachers. A professional Quran guide helps you remember the techniques. He will be there to listen to your lessons and discover errors. The Quran memorization course includes professional help with remembering, following the correct and most effective ways to preserve the part of the Quran stored in memory and ways to increase or decrease the speed of memorization.

Benefits of Learning Quran –

The Holy Quran is the source of all learning, but it is a striking difference between the Qur'an and other books. The Qur'an is the word of Allah (SWT), and books on various branches of knowledge are human studies of the creation of Allah. These books deal with specific topics and topics. A book on one subject is silent on other topics. They are not comparable to the Holy Qur'an.

The Holy Quran is a source of treasure for our knowledge and learning that man needs until the end of time. All knowledge comes from the Holy Qur'an. This is the essential truth of the Islamic doctrine of knowledge. We must get out of the darkness of ignorance and move on to the bright and bright future. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: "O people, I leave behind the Holy Book (Qur'an) and Sunnah (Prophet's way) if you follow them with letter and spirit, you will never lose yourselves. (Hakim Al-Mustadrik, Book 1 Hadith 318)
Reciting Quran fulfills an Islamic duty. The Quran will be a test for us on the day of judgment. Your status in this life will be lifted. The Quran is the key to peace and satisfaction.

There are ten prizes for every word you recite from the Holy Quran. The recitants of the Quran will be in the company of noble angels and listeners. Your vision in paradise is determined by the amount of Quran that you remember in this life. The Quran takes you to paradise.

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