Thursday 19 December 2019

Know-How Many Pages in the Quran & Basic Information about the Quran

The Qur'an is the holy book for Muslims, revealed in stages to the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Muslims consider qur'anic revelations as the sacred word of God, intended to correct any errors in previous holy books such as the Old and New Testaments.

There are 603 Pages in the Holy Quran. It's not Sure that only 603 pages, it is depended on the Size of the Page and lines in one page. Total Verses of the Quran are 6,236. There are 114 chapters in the Qur'an.

The Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by Allah in the Arabic Language.

Some Qur'anic parts have been dated as far behind as the eighth, and probably even the seventh century. The oldest extant copy of the full text is from the ninth century.

Although initial variants of the Qur'an are known to have existed, Muslims believe that the text we have today was established shortly after the death of the Prophet by the Caliph Uthman (Usman Razi Allah Anhu).

All the chapters except one start with the sentence Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, 'In the name of Allah the most merciful and the kindest.' This is the thought with which Muslims should start everything.

The Qur'an is sometimes split into 30 roughly equal parts, known as juz'. These divisions make it easier for Muslims to read the Quran in Arabic during a month, and many will read one juz' each day, particularly during the month of Ramadan.

The longest chapter of the Qur'an is Surah Baqarah (The Cow) with 286 verses, and the smallest is Surah Al-Kawther (abundance), which has three stanzas.

The method of surahs does not correspond to the chronological order in which they were revealed.

Here one feels easy to read Quran with searching for verses of Quran by root letters or by reference of verse and ayah number. True and pure Sunnat is the only way to understand the Quran. It is the most universally reading Book in the world, yet it is the one that is the least assumed. It is essential and urgent to teach the Qur’an with an understanding of the modern generation.

Before starting on a study of the Quran, it is essential to have some necessary background in the faith of Islam. This will give you a base from which to start recitation of Quran, and some understanding of the vocabulary and message of the Quran.

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